Slings in Motion III

Slings in Motion III is the movement gem that rounds off the triad of Slings repertoire courses and the whole diploma education.

Book Slings III / Book Slings II & III Combo

This course is filled with a broad spectrum of multidimensional motions and seamlessly layered functional exercise sequences that focus on the:

  • Authentic and sincerely elongating Deep Front Line (the bodywide myofascial core).
  • Expressive and far-reaching Arm Lines.

In the spirit of structural integration and for the purpose of movement integration, Slings in Motion I and II exercise variations are incorporated in this course.

The versatile repertoire of Slings in Motion III comprises a contrasting blend of:

  • Differentiated and integrated multidimensional exercises in all body positions.
  • Slow and deep, dynamic and rhythmic, stimulating and invigorating, as well as mellow and melting exercises and movement sequences.
  • Exercise variations with and without props.

Each exercise is experienced and discussed in terms of:

  • Movement execution.
  • Myofascial anatomy.
  • Myofascial training techniques.
  • The use and benefits of props.
  • Purposeful sequencing.
  • Short-term and long-term exercise aims.

To deepen the embodiment of the exercises and for personal experience, deliberately themed Slings in Motion master classes are incorporated.

Concluding the course, you will have broad selection of versatile exercises that complement and round off the Slings in Motion I and II repertoire.

Slings in Motion III is the final module in this series; you are just one step away from your diploma, which is the Slings Myofascial Training Certification course!

Learning Objectives and Goals

As a result of taking this course, you will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding and embodiment of the Deep Front Line Lateral Line and Arm Lines in motion.
  • Experience all of the primary Deep Front Line and Arm Lines exercises as well as exercise variations.
  • Experience variations of Slings in Motion I and II exercises and integrative movement sequences.
  • Understand the movement execution, applied myofascial training techniques, sensible use of props and the training aims for each of the primary exercises.
  • Deepen the understanding and embodiment of the Slings Myofascial Training concept with daily Slings in Motion master classes.
  • Gain new somatic insights and a broader spectrum of movement skills.
  • Obtain a diverse spectrum of profound, multidimensional exercises for the personal practise and teaching.

General Conditions

Self-study time: 56 hours
Handout: In-depth education manual with detailed photographic references.
Prerequisite: Slings in Motion I, Slings in Motion II
Certificate: Certificate of Participation


See course schedule for pricing.

Book Slings III / Book Slings II & III Combo

Karin Gurtner about Slings in Motion III, accompanied by Antonia and Simone