What are Slings
The term ‘Slings’ relates to the myofascial meridians as defined by Tom Myers in his Anatomy Trains concept. They are long, cooperative continuities of muscles and fascia that span the body from head to toes.
What is Myofascia?
‘Myo’ refers to muscle and ‘fascia’ is the term describing the body-wide fibrous tissue web that elastically surrounds, penetrates and connects all systems.
What do Slings do?
They are lines of tension that greatly contribute to your postural balance, movement efficiency and sensory awareness. In other words the way you stand, move and feel correlates with the integrity of your myofascial sling system. While Tom (Myers) strongly focusses on their role in postural patterns, James Earls author of Born to Walk, refers to Slings as elastic catapults ‘propelling’ us forward in daily activities such as walking. We embrace it all and add their value for clear perception and body language.
What is Myofascial Training?
Every movement is myofascial but not all training methods focus on fascial integrity. The Slings concept is designed to improve myofascial balance and efficiency through movement. We use specific training techniques to optimize tissue adaptability, glide, elasticity and nourishment. The overall training aims are balanced posture, ergonomic daily movement, improved athletic abilities, resilience and refined body awareness.
What is Slings Myofascial Training?
Based on up-to-date scientific information, integral anatomy and myofascial training principles, Slings draws from various movement practices as well as holistic bodywork techniques. It is suitable for different types and levels of training and can be adapted to individual skill levels.
The clearly sequenced training is executed on a mat. Slow and focused exercises alternate with rhythmic, energetic moves, thus improving movement flow and coordination along with dynamic stability, strength and flexibility. Different kinds of small balls are incorporated to optimize blood and oxygen circulation as well as body awareness. Gliding movements as well as specifically applied pressure and self-massage exercises, increase energy flow and get into those pesky, hard-to-get-to areas of tension.
Is Slings a Self-Contained Training Method?
Slings is not a self-contained training method, but a concept that includes and invites a broad spectrum of movement practices. Slings exercises beautifully complement a wide variety of body-mind lessons and are easily incorporated in different forms of athletic and personal training. In general, all movement modalities aiming for structural balance and/or improved physical efficiency benefit from Slings.
There is more, isn’t there?
Of course there is more, there is always more! Amongst many other things, fascia can be considered one of our richest sensory organs. It significantly influences the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us. Balanced fascial tone not only conveys a sense of calm to the nervous system, but positively affects the way we sense. Altered perception changes our internal and external communication including our body language, which changes the way we interact with the world. Balance in our myofascial system brings clarity to our body language; and as Paul Watzlawick (psychologist, philosopher and communications theorist) said “you cannot not communicate”.