“When I started with Live and Breathe Pilates I had significant back and hip pain, to the extent that I was finding any kind of exercise impossible. Running was out of the question, and even things like cycling and swimming caused discomfort. This had led to my feeling run down quite a lot as a result of poor sleep and a general lack of fitness, and this in turn resulted in despondency setting in and a negative outlook towards any kind of exercise. However, I have four young children, so this really was not something I could afford to live with. A friend had done Pilates before and recommended it, so I thought I’d give it a try.

I found the classes have worked well for me: the instructors are attentive and professional, always pushing me just that right amount for my level, starting off with exercises I could manage and slowly adding new and more challenging ones. Most importantly, it has helped my back: I started feeling better within a couple of weeks and gradually the pain, which had frequently kept me awake at night, subsided. A year later, I am now back exercising on a (somewhat) regular basis and — though I still have some way to go — am feeling positive. Class continues to be a challenge, but always enjoyable. Also, as a self-employed person who works from home and whose evenings are extremely busy, it’s also convenient for me to be able to take the 45-minute lunchtime session.” Mike S, November 2015

“I joined ‘Live & Breathe Pilates’ Fit for Life class about a year and a half ago.
Best thing I ever did!!
Live & Breathe have outstanding instructors and teachers who are deeply committed to Pilates and hugely knowledgeable. They have an eagle eye and watch over us, which helps massively for our technique. They have an exceptional ability to incorporate our current aches and pains into their class plan and by the end of class those specific ills will have been helped no end.
The studio is driven by their commitment to their clients(us) and a commitment to transmitting Pilates at it’s best. This commitment also leads them to organise frequent and varied workshops, always excellent and worthwhile.
Classes are small, great fun (we laugh a lot) hard work and very varied. Invariably, I come out more energised, more flexible and more positive. Interestingly, any time I have gone to class feeling unwell or below par, I finish feeling physically and mentally much better.
Pilate classes at ‘Live & Breathe’ have improved my flexibility, my strength and my balance very significantly. Best of all, since I started my injuries have pretty well disappeared. (I play tennis, not well but enthusiastically, and always seemed to have at least one injury on the go). Now I live in a state of bliss !!
The studio itself is central and a very pleasant space, exceptionally well equipped, and lovely to work in.” Alil, March 2015

“The foundation course provided me with a great introduction to mat and reformer technique, and the one to one session is a great way to get started. The classes are small, making for a great learning environment and individual attention in a well equipped and very relaxing studio. If you’re new to Pilates you might be surprised at how different you’ll feel after a few classes. I’ve noticed huge improvements in my posture and core strength which has helped improve my running technique. Fatigue, aches and pains associated with sitting at a desk most of the week, and tension in the back and shoulders have all been hugely improved since I started taking regular classes with Steph and her very accomplished team of tutors. At the end of every session I feel calmer, more energised and sometimes even a little bit taller! I really can’t recommend it enough.” Niall S, February 2015

“It gives me great pleasure to recommend Live & Breathe Pilates where I have been taking classes for 18 months now. The studio is bright, airy and well equipped and the instructors are extremely personal, professional and committed to achieving their client’s goals. As a result of attending the weekly sessions I feel less stressed, more flexible and generally healthier. In fact I now feel several years younger than my 58 years”. Tom D

“I have been attending classes for over 2 years. I was experiencing back pain while horse riding and was encouraged to try Pilates. I was told by a physio that I should improve the muscle tone on my back, and strengthen my core, both of which were weakened after years of sitting at a desk and being a professional couch potato. Live & Breathe Pilates classes are always invigorating and challenging and all instructors have a keen eye for detail which helps get the most out of each exercise. Their clear communication style makes it very easy to understand how each exercise is to be performed and what improvements/corrections you can make. The health benefits of attending classes at Live & Breathe Pilates are many. My overall strength, stamina and flexibility have greatly improved. My horse riding has benefited also, as I’ve developed a much deeper seat, better balance and a longer, stronger leg”. Ken G

“I have been attending group Mat classes for over a year and more recently I also do Reformer classes. I find the instructors are very helpful, knowledgeable and have a strong attention to detail. While the classes are always enjoyable, we are challenged as the instructors observe closely to ensure we are moving correctly and giving it our best effort. By the end of each class I feel thoroughly exercised, relaxed and refreshed. The studio is modern, comfortable and very well equipped with Reformer machines and small equipment such as rollers, flex bands, spiky balls. The small equipment is often used in the exercises, helping to keep the classes varied, interesting and challenging. In my job I spend most of my time seated at a desk and working on a computer, so I find the classes have considerably helped to improve my posture, strength and flexibility”. Vince, IT Team Lead

“I joined Live & Breathe Pilates as a result of work related back problems. Having joined about a year ago I am thrilled with the results, no ongoing back pain, no work leave and it’s also great fun. Live & Breathe is a fantastic studio lead by Steph; an exceptional tutor who can gauge individual and group needs/ability.” Matthew M

“I have been practising Pilates with Steph since 2008. As a male, I was initially reluctant to begin Pilates but after discovering Roy Keane and the All Blacks were keen advocates I was convinced. A few years on, I have noticed a considerable improvement in my posture, balance and all round core strength. I would recommend Pilates to anyone and would especially recommend Steph as an instructor – her classes are relaxed yet professional and she will ensure that students get the necessary individual attention when required.” Crohan A. O’Shea

“In late 2009 I started to experience back pain. I spent most of the Christmas  2009 lying horizontally – the only pain-free position I could discover. Early in 2010 I was directed to Steph and her Pilates exercises by my physiotherapist. From my first session on the Reformer I felt better. And the improvement in my core strength and flexibility have banished the back pain. I now try and have a weekly one-on-one session with Steph and can’t recommend her and Pilates too highly.” John R. Healy