“I joined ‘Live & Breathe Pilates’ Fit for Life class about a year and a half ago.
Best thing I ever did!!
Live & Breathe have outstanding instructors and teachers who are deeply committed to Pilates and hugely knowledgeable. They have an eagle eye and watch over us, which helps massively for our technique. They have an exceptional ability to incorporate our current aches and pains into their class plan and by the end of class those specific ills will have been helped no end.
The studio is driven by their commitment to their clients(us) and a commitment to transmitting Pilates at it’s best. This commitment also leads them to organise frequent and varied workshops, always excellent and worthwhile.
Classes are small, great fun (we laugh a lot) hard work and very varied. Invariably, I come out more energised, more flexible and more positive. Interestingly, any time I have gone to class feeling unwell or below par, I finish feeling physically and mentally much better.
Pilate classes at ‘Live & Breathe’ have improved my flexibility, my strength and my balance very significantly. Best of all, since I started my injuries have pretty well disappeared. (I play tennis, not well but enthusiastically, and always seemed to have at least one injury on the go). Now I live in a state of bliss !!
The studio itself is central and a very pleasant space, exceptionally well equipped, and lovely to work in.” Alil, March 2015