Meet our visiting instructor…Sheri Long

BASI Pilates Sheri Long

This is part of our Meet Our Visiting Instructor Series where you get to read about some of the visiting teachers to our studio. Meet Sheri Long, she is a proud Senior Faculty member of the Body Arts and Science, International (BASI) with an extensive background in dance, fitness, and health.

What have you been up to recently?

I have been quite busy doing what I love which is teaching Pilates! I just returned from Rio de Janeiro after teaching at their International Conference with fellow teachers from all over the world which was amazing.

How long have you been a Pilates teacher and what inspired you to become one?

I have been a Pilates Teacher for 16 years. I have been teaching movement for over 30 years and When I started practicing Pilates I wanted to share it with others.

What’s your favourite Pilates exercise? Why?

I’m quite fickle and my favorite changes, I do try to do the ones that are not my favorite because those are the ones I probably need to do.

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