Foam Roller Release
The foam roller is a versatile prop and can be used for all kinds of uses, such as stretching, self-massage, body support, and stability exercises in Pilates. Like the Swiss ball and flex band they originated in the rehab environment. The foam roller may be just a cylinder made of high-density foam and cheap to buy, but it can certainly add a new challenges to any workout. It will also help you to release tight muscles and is an important piece of any fitness enthusiast’s kit.
Introduction to Reformer
So you’ve been doing mat for a while, why not add an extra dimension to your Pilates workout? The Reformer is probably the best known Pilates equipment and we have seven in our studio – so we can offer you Group Reformer classes at a price that’s affordable. Come down for a workshop session before you sign up for a course to see what its all about.
Places must be booked in advance. Workshops are suitable only for those who are injury free and have previous Pilates experience of at least 6 months unless otherwise stated.
Pilates for Running and Recovery Workshop – on request
Thanks to all who attended this workshop – we hope you found it beneficial and understand how Pilates can keep you strong and supple and keep you running! We will have other Sports Specific workshops coming up in the coming weeks – including cycling and swimming. Keep an eye on the website, sign up for our newsletter or like us on Facebook for regular updates.
The weekend after this year’s marathon we will be a running a post race Pilates for Running and Recovery Workshop on Sunday 4th of November at 10:30. This is open to all marathon participants, but also to all other recreational runners too. We will use foam rollers, tennis balls and spiky massage balls to help with muscle release as well as teaching you Pilates exercises which you can integrate into your training program. Pilates is a fantastic cross training method for runners which will keep you fit, strong and injury free for your runs. We will also show you how to stretch properly and we will provide you with a good understanding of why particular stretches are more effective for runners.
You can email us on [email protected] to register.
Workshop is 90 mins and is €25 per person. Limited quantities of Pilates equipment, bands and foam rollers will be available for sale on the day also.