“I started individual Pilates classes at Live & Breathe at the suggestion of my Physiotherapist following an injury 9 months previously. I started to feel the benefits in increased muscle strength after only a few sessions. Louise Carey my Instructor was so careful at explaining everything I was doing and tailoring the exercises to my needs. I am not the most ‘tech savvy person and baulked a little when Louise suggested that I could continue classes via Zoom, however, my strength levels had improved so much and I was reluctant to lose the momentum so I agreed to try an online class, and am I so glad that I did! Louise told me it would be easy to setup, she helped me by phone and it only took about three minutes to get started. I am delighted with my continued Pilates programme with my wonderful Instructor, she has even incorporated exercises to boost lung capacity, which I think is a great idea for anyone during this unusual time of Covid 19. I cannot believe how effective Pilates has been for me and am so glad that I have been able to continue with it during these challenging times. I look forward to returning to the lovely studio and connecting in person again with all the friendly and conscientious staff there, in the meantime thank goodness for online classes!” Lesley V, May 2020