“The course opened up a completely new way of thinking. Kiki clearly had a great wealth of knowledge, inspirational in fact, but I found that she didn’t overwhelm us. SHe gave little snippets to go away with and explore further also. It will give me a much more complete and holistic approach to movement.” Kate H

“The course exceeded what I had been expecting. It was totally engaging and everything I thought regarding anatomy has been opened up to so many more poosibilities.” Sue C

“The course more than filled my expectations, it was very detailed, layered, complex, interlaced and interconnnected – like the body. It will allow me to deepend my own bodywork process and give me some new tools and new ways to look at my clients in their movement journey.” Laurie S

“The course went really fast, I enjoyed all of it. I was definitely motivated to continue with the Slings education and Kiki was a charming teacher. The space was really wonderful to learn inver yopen and spsacious wait many tools available to support the moves and postures.” Gemma M

“Mind and body blown, cannot wait to do more. I found the course fantastic, I felt it nurtured my natural instincts. Steph was encouraging and welcoming to her beautiful studio in the heart of Dublin.” Laura Anne M