Centered – A Five Day Intensive with Madeline Black

After reading her book Centered: Organizing the Body Through Kinesiology, Movement Theory and Pilates Technique cover to cover, we’re delighted to welcome Centered Madeline BlackMadeline Black to the studio for a five day intensive for teachers in October 2018.

The body moves in a predictably non-linear way. Madeline Black is developing a series of trainings to immerse the movement teacher into a highly focused and engaging experience to better understand these body movements and patterns.

Madeline’s approach to training is an organic process focused on precision and highly tuned movement techniques. The “Immersive” trainings are for experts in movement looking to advance their education, perception, intuition, and manual skills. Madeline escorts each participant through personal feedback on the process of working with the body. She customises each segment to match the needs and energy of the participants which provides a unique experience for each instructor.

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