Healthy Feet Workshop

Over 90 minutes we will show you how amazing your feet are and why they deserve your TLC year round. We’ll include some basic anatomy and instruct you on how to release them using a variety of props like spiky balls and flexbands as well as exercises that you can do at home.

Happy-feetMost of us think of our feet only if we have a blister, are trying to break in a new pair of shoes or if we have pain. Your feet are your means of getting from A to B and without proper care and attention you could be setting yourself up for problems in the future.

This workshop will teach you about the bones, muscles and joints and will show you how to release your feet and get them feeling great.
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Getting to know…Laurie Schneider

This is the next in our series of Getting to Know Your Instructor.

Meet Laurie Schneider who joined our great team of instructors here at Laurie SchneiderLive & Breathe Pilates in 2017.

When you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up?

I first wanted to be an artist but then I discovered dance and decided I wanted to be a professional dancer.

What inspired you to become a Pilates teacher?

I first encountered Pilates in my professional dance training. Within a week I could feel the difference to how I moved in my technique classes. I went from dreading class to really looking forward to it and not missing a single class.  I was always interested in learning more about the body and Pilates seemed the most natural route for me. Funnily enough every year I become even more inspired as Pilates teacher and an eternal Pilates learner…there is so much to gain and understand in the practice it is truly wonderful.
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