Meet our visiting instructor…Rebekah Rotstein

This is part of our Meet Our Visiting Instructor Series Rebekah Rotsteinwhere you get to read about some of the visiting teachers to our studio here in Dublin. Meet Rebekah Rotstein, founder of Buff Bones, Pilates Anytime presenter, Guinness convert and world traveller.

What have you been up to recently?

Teaching and traveling around Europe for 4 weeks.

How long have you been a Pilates teacher and what inspired you to become one?

13 years. I was taking Pilates lessons for 4 years before I got certified and loved how it made me feel – stronger, freer and my body stopped hurting!

What’s your favourite Pilates exercise? Why?

Footwork. I go to a reformer anywhere in the world, lie down breathe and let my body sink into the movement. I’m rejuvenated and realigned after. Teaching it too is like a microscope Into the body and reveals so much to the instructor.
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