Pilates on the Ball Workshop

Suitable for those attending classes regularly, this 90 minute workshop on Sunday 29th of MarchPilates on the Ball at 10:30am is a fun and effective way to strengthen and tone your whole body. Learn how an innocent looking air filled ball that doesn’t weigh very much can really challenge you! Using the ball we add lots of three dimensional moves to your session making the exercises more difficult and thus increasing the effort required.  It’s the perfect complement to your mat & equipment repertoire. Cost is €25 for the workshop.

Book Pilates on the Ball Now

Working three dimensionally adds many new variations to classic Pilates exercises. The balls adds a focus on improving balance and co-ordination, and deepening your core control so you’ll really feel you’re working hard. The workshop starts with a warm-up, followed by a challenging workout, and finishes with a relaxing wind-down/stretch on the ball.

No prior experience on the ball needed but we do recommend at least 2-3 months of regular Pilates practice before you try this workshop out.