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What if I have attended Anatomy Trains by Kinesis?
If you have attended Anatomy Trains for Manual and Movement Therapists led by a Kinesis teacher, you are definitely a big step ahead when it comes to your knowledge of anatomy.
Anatomy Trains in Motion
We fully recognise Anatomy Trains courses run by Kinesis and we leave it up to you whether or not you want to attend the Anatomy Trains in Motion course.
Slings Essentials, Slings in Motion I – III
These modules are based on Anatomy Trains in Motion. However, they include new theoretical knowledge and practical applications. You can attend the courses on a regular basis.
What if I have attended Kinesis Myofascial Integration (KMI) by Kinesis?
As a Kinesis Myofascial Integration therapist, you have already acquired a great wealth of knowledge about fascial anatomy. With Slings Myofascial Training you will learn how to put the theory into practise, which your manual therapeutic practice will of course benefit from.
Anatomy Trains in Motion
Since Anatomy Trains is part of the KMI training, we leave it up to you whether or not you want to complete the motion-oriented Anatomy Trains in Motion course.
Slings Essentials
During this course you will learn training techniques that are not part of the KMI training. Therefore, you will need to attend this module. However, you will already know the theoretical parts from your KMI training.
Slings in Motion I – III
In the Slings in Motion courses you will learn new content; the exercises and sequences. You can attend the courses on a regular basis.
Relevant art of motion courses
What if I have already attended Slings Essentials?
If you completed your Slings Essentials course in spring 2013 or earlier, you could have already gained some practical experience – which is an advantage. However, the entire course material has been completely revised and expanded in the interim. In order to get your certificate or your final diploma, you are required to attend the current Slings Essentials course. Repeating the course does not just mean you will be “repeating” what you already know. You will learn new things, link them with your wealth of experience and above all, you will consciously perceive the details in the context of the whole. The more we know about a subject, the more complex details our minds can absorb and process. Multiple benefits!
What if Anatomy Trains was part of a Slings course?
If Anatomy Trains was already part of a Slings course (between 2008 and 2012), we recognise the knowledge you have and leave it up to you whether you want to complete the Anatomy Trains in Motion course.
Please note that the course content of Anatomy Trains in Motion was not thematised, but required a solid understanding of the Slings in Motion courses.
If you want to buy a course book
You can order your complete Anatomy Trains in Motion course book from the art of motion office.