Motivation is what gets you started and habit is what keeps you going. And we all know that consistency is the key in making any long term change.
If you want to get stronger, more flexible, leaner, more toned or just feel great, regular, well performed movement is where it’s at.
Our favourite form of movement is Pilates, obviously.
We love it because it gives you head space, as well as getting you stronger, fitter and more flexible and really, who couldn’t do with all of those great benefits?
We’re always asked “how often should I do Pilates”? Our accountant reckons you should come every day but we’d say 2-3 times per week will keep you in tip top shape.
Our clients tell us that with regular Pilates practice they can see and feel the difference in their own bodies. Whether they’re with us to get stronger, more toned, to cross train for their chosen sport or to get out of pain, regular Pilates has been their key to improvement.
One of our clients, Rachel said it all…
“I kept meaning to thank you for the push to squeeze in more classes – turns out it was exactly what I needed, and I have been feeling much better thanks to more classes! (I know this shouldn’t be surprising!) I had got caught up in work, but really felt the benefit after just a week of regular classes, and definitely what I needed in the lead up to Christmas.
You have a fab studio and classes. I have tried a few studios, both yoga and Pilates, before I found you and really feel like I’ve found my home. So thanks you to you, and all the instructors, particularly Andrea and Katrin, for creating a lovely welcoming atmosphere, and really effective classes, while still great fun!
Already looking forward to more classes.” Rachel D
To help you to be more consistent we offer a variety of Monthly Plans and Multi Class Pass options.
Some clients love the Pilates apparatus, others love the Matwork. But it’s good to mix things up – your group Reformer classes will have a different focus to the Matwork. So try both – each gives you something different. Or try our small group Studio Classes.
One to one sessions are a great way to get an individualised program that suits your specific goals. We even provide a follow up video-based exercise program to do at home.
Do try out our other instructors as well – we have a great team, hand picked by Steph to give you the best possible Pilates and movement experience. Each of us has a slightly different but complimentary approach, with different personalities, emphasis and nuance.
Pilates is your path to health and better movement. You just need to follow that path, consistently.
And we can guide you there.