This is part of our Meet Our Visiting Instructor Series where you get to read about some of the visiting teachers to our studio. Meet Muriel aka Mumu Morwitzer, Senior Educator and Managing Director of art of motion academy® Australia.
What have you been up to recently?
Traveling the world and teaching what I am most passionate about; holistic movement and art of motion’s Contemporary Pilates methodology and Slings Myofascial Training concept as well as Anatomy Trains in Motion – all of them developed by Karin Gurtner.
How long have you been a Pilates teacher and what inspired you to become one?
Since 1999, with a few breaks in between (having our two children) and full time again since 2007. What inspired me: As a dancer, skier and kayaker I had suffered my fair share of injuries and was told at 21 I would never dance again. I rehabilitated myself with Pilates and enjoy all of the above to this day and with more skills. My biggest inspiration and most movement-life-changing encounter was meeting Karin in 2007. This changed everything, the way I teach and look at the body and myself. Having been able to learn from Karin and become a lecturer for art of motion has been the best possible challenge and is forever inspiring.
What’s your favourite Pilates exercise? Why?
Roll Down. Lengthening and eccentrically strengthening the upper portion of my Superficial Back line feels amazing and is a very functional movement that I love having in my repertoire.
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