Meet our visiting instructor…Mumu aka Muriel Morwitzer

This is part of our Meet Our Visiting Instructor Series Mumu Morwitzerwhere you get to read about some of the visiting teachers to our studio. Meet Muriel aka Mumu Morwitzer, Senior Educator and Managing Director of art of motion academy® Australia.

What have you been up to recently?

Traveling the world and teaching what I am most passionate about; holistic movement and art of motion’s Contemporary Pilates methodology and Slings Myofascial Training concept as well as Anatomy Trains in Motion – all of them developed by Karin Gurtner.

How long have you been a Pilates teacher and what inspired you to become one?

Since 1999, with a few breaks in between (having our two children) and full time again since 2007. What inspired me: As a dancer, skier and kayaker I had suffered my fair share of injuries and was told at 21 I would never dance again. I rehabilitated myself with Pilates and enjoy all of the above to this day and with more skills. My biggest inspiration and most movement-life-changing encounter was meeting Karin in 2007. This changed everything, the way I teach and look at the body and myself. Having been able to learn from Karin and become a lecturer for art of motion has been the best possible challenge and is forever inspiring.

What’s your favourite Pilates exercise? Why?

Roll Down. Lengthening and eccentrically strengthening the upper portion of my Superficial Back line feels amazing and is a very functional movement that I love having in my repertoire.
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Meet our Visiting Instructor…Michelle Lyons

This is part of our Meet Our Visiting Instructor Series where you get to read about some of the visiting teachers and educators to our studio.

Meet Michelle Lyons, a chartered physiotherapist who specialises inMichelle Lyons integrative Women’s Health and pelvic health.

Michelle provides regular continuing education and workshops in our studio here in Dublin.

What have you been up to recently?

After a busy year teaching all over the world, from Connecticut to California to Capetown, I’m enjoying some down time with friends and family and writing new women’s health courses for next year. I can’t help it – I’m passionate about women’s health!!

How long have you been a movement teacher / educator and what inspired you to become one??

As a physiotherapist, I have 25 years of clinical experience and my toolbox includes not only orthopaedic and pelvic health expertise but also a strong interest in Oncology rehab, using manual therapy, exercise prescription (yoga, Pilates, strength training, holistic core restore programming) as well as integrative nutrition and mindbody medicine. I lecture and teach nationally, internationally and online at a post graduate and post doctoral level – I’m all about spreading the word about good pelvic health!

What are your top three tips for clients and students to start a movement practice?
As Pema Chodron, the beloved Tibetan Buddhist teacher writes ‘start where you are’ and be kind to yourself when starting any new practice – I always recommend starting with the breath – it’s the foundation for good pelvic health.
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Healthy Feet Workshop

Over 90 minutes we will show you how amazing your feet are and why they deserve your TLC year round. We’ll include some basic anatomy and instruct you on how to release them using a variety of props like spiky balls and flexbands as well as exercises that you can do at home.

Happy-feetMost of us think of our feet only if we have a blister, are trying to break in a new pair of shoes or if we have pain. Your feet are your means of getting from A to B and without proper care and attention you could be setting yourself up for problems in the future.

This workshop will teach you about the bones, muscles and joints and will show you how to release your feet and get them feeling great.
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Springtime Somatics Series

Our Series of Springtime Somatics Sessions starting February 2017 with Katrin are designed to build body awareness and help you to discover and then release tension in your body.

Somatics Session 1 – Taut BacksSomatics Backlift

Saturday 25th February 2pm – 3:30pm
Learn somatic solutions to ease your taut back muscles through simple movements you can do any time you need. In this 90 minute workshop class, we will focus on how to make the back soften and relax to increase well being, de-stress and improve mobility. No previous is experience necessary, this workshop is suitable for anyone who experiences tension in the back, who has on going back pain or is recovering from surgical intervention.

Book Somatics for Taut Backs

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Meredith Rogers – Dublin, June 2017

Meredith Rogers returns to be with us in Dublin this June 2017. Meredith RogersMeredith is BASI Pilates Faculty and teaches their courses and workshops worldwide.

She is also well known for her fantastic classes on Pilates Anytime.

Meredith is back to provide both workshops and Masterclasses and a Marathon Mat Class for us over the weekend 23rd – 25th June 2017. She will be available for limited one to one sessions also. Contact us if interested in booking a one to one.

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Anatomy Trains in Motion – Myofascial Meridians for Movement Therapists 2017

Live & Breathe Pilates are delighted to announce that Anatomy Trains in Motionwe are hosting Anatomy Trains in Motion in our studio in Dublin June 9th – 11th 2017.

This three day course is specifically designed for modern movement teachers and therapists, who want to expand their professional horizon and expertise in structural integration through movement.

Whatever your movement modality – Yoga, Pilates, Personal Training, Dance – Anatomy Trains in Motion offers skills that will add a new dimension to your teaching and practice.

At the heart of this course are the myofascial meridians. Understanding the lines’ anatomy, workings, sensory qualities and relationships are invaluable teaching skills that will transform your view on body reading, lesson planning and cueing.

Book Anatomy Trains in Motion Now

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Putting the Ballet Back into Barre

Technique for Barre TeachersBarre

You trained as a Barre teacher, but have no previous dance training…

Would you like to deepen your knowledge and add to your classes using classical ballet?

In this 2 1/2 hour workshop you can learn more about correct placement and essential hints to strengthen your foundations of how to work at the Barre.

Train like a dancer and help your clients to become more graceful in their movements!
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Our Top 5 Tips for Barre Blitz

Here are our Top 5 tips from Katrin to get the most out of your Barre Blitz Classes in the studio.

1) You will sweat in Barre

To avoid cramps and lack of concentration, Screen-Shot-2017-01-09-at-13.24.56-300x180have some water before class and throughout the class. We have a water fountain in the entrance area – bring a bottle and we can cut down the waste of plastic cups! 2 to 3 percent fluid loss equates to about 10 to 15 percent decrease in strength and endurance, so I encourage you throughout class to have a sip!
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Consistency is the Key

Motivation is what gets you started Aristotleand habit is what keeps you going. And we all know that consistency is the key in making any long term change.

If you want to get stronger, more flexible, leaner, more toned or just feel great, regular, well performed movement is where it’s at.

Our favourite form of movement is Pilates, obviously.

We love it because it gives you head space, as well as getting you stronger, fitter and more flexible and really, who couldn’t do with all of those great benefits?
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Stephen Braybrook – Brain Move

Stephen Braybrook – aka ‘The Movement Man’ Brain-Movewill be with us in April 2017 to teach his Brain-Move Workshop.

This workshop is an introduction to practical neuroscience and aims to provide some take home informational gems that you can use straight away.

Brain-Move uses the principles of evolutionary biology, developmental psychology and applied biomechanics to elicit safety through the subconscious mind and enable easy, fluid and pain free movement.

Listen to Dr Perry Nickelston interview Stephen on his Stop Chasing Pain Podcast.

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