Getting to know…Maider Arrausi

This is the next in our series of Getting to Know Your Instructor.

Meet Maider Arrausi who joined our great team of teachers here at Maider ArrausiLive & Breathe Pilates in 2023.

When you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up?
First I wanted to be an astronaut, then a writer, after a school teacher.

What inspired you to become a Pilates teacher?
My teachers; their dedication, generosity and love for the practice.

What’s your favourite thing about teaching?
The energy that builds up in a room when people move together.

What’s your least favourite thing about teaching?
Some days can be really long, starting with early morning classes and finishing with late evening classes.

What’s your favourite Pilates exercise? Why? Maider Arrausi

The Open Leg Rocker. I love the combination of balance, movement and grace. There is a rhythm to roll, control to pause, it takes concentration and I love the moment of lengthening when rolling up to the sitting bones.

What Pilates exercise do you like the least? Why?
Seal Puppy!! I can never get it right!!

Describe your teaching style in less than ten words.
Detailed, friendly, light hearted. An invitation to be curious about Pilates, explore your own strength and self confidence.

What are your top tips for a client starting out with Pilates?
Be consistent, be curious, let the practice be fun!

What are your top tips for clients on progressing their Pilates practice?
Get out from your comfort zone, do your least favourite exercises. If you love Reformer, mix it up with mat. Try other Pilates equipment, book One to One classes.

Who is someone who inspires you? Why?
Elise Loehnen. She is an amazing communicator, highly intelligent, curious and humble. I always find her view on things so interesting.

When you’re not teaching what do you like to do?
I love music, spending time in nature. I also love the business of the city, particularly if I can observe if without getting to involved. I love sitting at a café people watching.

Tell us one thing we might not know about you.
I love Spaghetti Westerns.

Maider is available for one to ones as well as teaching regular group classes in our studio.