This is the next in our series of Getting to Know Your Instructor.
Meet Liz O’Donnell who joined our great team of teachers here at Live & Breathe Pilates in 2019.
When you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a physiotherapist.
What inspired you to become a Pilates teacher?
My own physical health. When I was extremely unwell, Pilates brought me back to good health. Through this I found a love for Pilates. I decided Pilates is what I want to do everyday to keep me well and to help others.
What’s your favourite thing about teaching?
Watching clients leave the studio with a smile on their faces and feeling the benefits of what they’ve just achieved.
What’s your least favourite thing about teaching?
The random hours.
What’s your favourite Pilates exercise? Why?
Mermaid. I love the feeling of my spine going into lateral flexion. We spend so much time in sitting or standing in the same place that it’s amazing to laterally flex.
What Pilates exercise do you like the least? Why?
I find swimming such a hard exercise. My body loves going into flexion naturally so when I ask it to extend it really struggles.
Describe your teaching style in less than ten words.
I love to have a flow from movement to move my in my classes.
What are your top tips for a client starting out with Pilates?
1. Get the fundamentals right
2. Don’t overdo it at the beginning, like taking 10 classes in one week
3. Explore different teachers and find who you relate to most.
What are your top tips for clients on progressing their Pilates practice?
1. Going back and practicing the fundamentals again and again.
2. Try not to ignore the exercise you dislike the most. Often it’s the one that you need to do the most.
3. Always ask questions and don’t be afraid to ask teachers.
Who is someone who inspires you? Why?
Maeve Madden. She’s a PT who suffers with PCOS. Similar to me, sometimes her body decides to flare up but I love the way she always try’s to look at the brighter side of life and encourages herself everyday to move and try do the best for her body.
When you’re not teaching what do you like to do?
I’m addicted to shopping.
Tell us one thing we might not know about you.
I love to sing.
Liz is available for one to ones as well as teaching regular group classes in our studio.