Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle

Embodying Your Living Architecture Through the Portal of the 3Core Connections® Embodied Perspective 

Join renowned educator Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle in Dublin for a three day immersive experience for teachers, based on her 3Core Connections® Embodied Perspective (3CCEP).

Wendy’s approach empowers us to find our own Wendy LeBlanc-Arbucklevoice and teaching style. Are you willing to give yourself time to explore, be curious and discover? Would you like to cultivate how “where you are coming from” determines the difference between controlling your body, or having a conversation with your body wisdom’s guidance.

Your set up greatly affects your results in your own progress, and with clients. It is through this portal of embodied awareness that we move beyond static muscle/bone cadaver based, biomechanical studies to a fluid, fascial biotensegrity perspective, and an inquiry into what is CORE from the body’s perspective.

Course Dates & Pricing

3 Day Immersive24 May 2019€795Enrol Now
Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle in Dublin, May 2019

The 3CCEP allows us to access and sense our living architecture – our body’s vital relationships from foot to head and hand that support us moving in the world with a global awareness that grows us as fully alive, aware, empathetic beings, who are self-healing and adaptive.

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